Filter Forge Tutorials!

A week or two ago I made two base-level filterforge tutorials for fun. Here they are both in one post!

FilterForge Tutorial 01: Create a Basic Cartoon Filter! from Skybase on Vimeo.

In this very first episode of our exploration in FilterForge, we will explore a basic construction of a filter from start to finish. We will create a simple cartoon effect filter and discuss some fundamental techniques which can be reapplied to many other situations when constructing filters.

If you have feedback, questions, concerns, and requests for any form of tutorial please feel free to contact me at skybase [at]

FilterForge Tutorial 02: Adding More to the Cartoon Filter from Skybase on Vimeo.

In this episode we'll take the cartoon effect we made in the previous episode and add a bit more to it. The techniques covered in this episode can be utilized in other programs and is very useful for adding details.

If you have any feedback, questions, concerns please feel free to contact skybase [at]

Project Free Stuff: An Introduction

It’s been a while folks, I was getting busy updating all my work and maintaining a nice portfolio. I’ve finally gotten stuff to go in the right direction, now it’s just a matter of doing more stuff.

As a part of my little “I wanna help other artists” feeling I decided to start producing mini packs of free stuff. These mini packs can be graphics or audio related and they’re basically just little bits and pieces to help you on your way making your own things. The “stuff” will be high quality, production-ready, and otherwise it’ll partially be editable to its own degree. In return, I ask whoever uses it to at least give me credit in a visible form, I’m producing these on my spare time and I’m also doing this for nothing. I’m also cool with negotiations and stuff, just send me emails. I don’t know how much easier I can make that.

Either way, the packages will be licensed under creative commons unless noted and I’ll do my best to keep them as updated as possible.

Remember, I’m just doing this for fun and I love free stuff too. 🙂 Starting next week you’ll see a package every-now-and-then.